Through the sounds...

A visually impaired girl goes out with her dad to explore her city. The traffic sounds tell her that the city constantly moves and stops. The growing plants and sounds of construction tell her that her city is rising. The taste of ice cream tells her that her city is sweet.

We picked this book for its title. Even when we can see the same things, we perceive the world in front of us in quite different ways. In this story, a visually challenged young girl perceives her city, and her perspective is fueled by noises, smells, and touch. The illustrations perfectly complement the plot.

What if not just seeing alone is believing? A little girl believes in the beauty of her city in My City Speaks by Darren Lebeuf, whimsically illustrated by Ashley Barron.

Originally published: 2021
Author: Darren Lebeuf
Illustrations: Ashley Barron
Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (4.0), Characters (5.0), Writing Style (4.0), Illustrations (5.0), Cover (5.0) & Ease (4.0)
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