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JonArno Lawson's Sidewalk Flowers

Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend! inside page

In a crowded city, a small girl walks hand in hand with her father. Her father occupied, and the observant little girl spotted wildflowers along her route. She selects them with great care and cherishes them deeply. The girl's attention is drawn to a lifeless bird as they go through the park. Taking great care, she gently positions a flower on the bird. The father pays no attention to the little girl's actions as he carries on walking.

Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend! cover image

We picked this book for its wordless style. This heartwarming book highlights the valuable lessons adults can learn about compassion and care from children. The illustrations are impeccable and artistically enhance the storytelling. Using colors to highlight the main character and her focus adds an extra layer of intrigue to the images.

Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend! inside page

Sydney Smith’s illustrations in Sidewalk Flowers magnificently depict a beautiful story of empathy by JonArno Lawson. This book is a splendid choice to introduce young children to kindness.

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Originally published: 2015

Author: JonArno Lawson

Illustrations: Sydney Smith

Age recommendation: 4+

Pages: 32

Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (5.0), Characters (5.0), Writing Style (5.0), Illustrations (5.0), Cover (5.0) & Ease (4.5)

Disclaimer: The copyrights of all the images used here belong to the book publishers, authors, and illustrators. The opinions expressed here are our personal views. Please contact us if you are the author or illustrator of this book and want this review removed from our site.

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Apr 02

Hands down the best review blog I have ever read. 10 on 10 ❤️

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