For a little kid, goodbye to home leads to hello to school. And when the kid bids goodbye to sitting alone, it leads to saying hello to a classmate at the school. And this blooms into a beautiful friendship. The friends spend endless time together. Then, unexpectedly, the time came to bid farewell to the newfound friend. Still, every goodbye gives birth to a hello!

We picked this book for its title. The story follows a little kid's experience with hellos. Cultivate memorable experiences with those around you and value them. You'll find yourself less concerned about saying goodbye or hello. Ultimately, every goodbye can give you the chance to say a fresh hello. Cori Doerrfeld's artwork stands out with its bright and vivid illustrations. In addition, if you haven't read The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld, you should try it. We guarantee you will love it.

Cori Doerrfeld's heartwarming story Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend! is perfect for the first and last reading day at school. The hopeful vibe of the storyline will prompt readers to welcome goodbyes and hellos with the same enthusiasm.

Originally published: 2019
Author: Cori Doerrfeld
Illustrations: Cori Doerrfeld
Age recommendation: 2+
Pages: 40
Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (5.0), Characters (5.0), Writing Style (5.0), Illustrations (5.0), Cover (4.5) & Ease (5.0)
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