Beautiful inside out.

A little girl looks different from others. Yes, it is something about her skin. And people question her about those beauty marks on her skin. They call them blotches, patches, and dots. But what she and her parents believe makes her stand out. Her different-looking skin makes her unique, just like everyone else.

We picked this book for its blurb. The plot revolves around a little girl with the autoimmune skin condition vitiligo. She embraces her difference confidently and effortlessly conveys optimism to everyone, thanks to her supportive parents. In addition, the illustrations are superb, perfectly reflecting the excitement of the plot.

I Absolutely, Positively Love My Spots by Lid'ya C. Rivera, gorgeously depicted by Niña Matais, is a must-read story that can help young children learn to embrace themselves with positivity and kindness.

Originally published: 2023
Author: Lid'ya C Moore
Illustrator: Nina Mata
Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (5.0), Characters (5.0), Writing Style (5.0), Illustrations (5.0), Cover (5.0) & Ease (5.0)
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