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Hope and kindness!

Dat and his mother move to a foreign country. Dat also does not speak the local language. As a result, when the bus driver, his teacher, and his classmates talk on the first day of school, he interprets the sound as gibberish. He did not feel at ease. The people around him are different. However, things change during playtime.

We picked this book for its title. Young children experience anxiety upon attending their first school, which is heightened when they are in an unfamiliar country and do not speak the language. While the story effectively conveys emotions, some children may find the depiction of the driver, teacher, and children in the foreign land as cartoons strange.

In his book Gibberish, Young Vo successfully describes the feelings of children starting out in a distant country and shows how an act of kindness can change their perspective.

Originally published: 2022

Author: Young Vo

Illustrator: Young Vo

Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (4.0), Characters (4.0) Writing Style (4.0), Illustrations (3.0) & Ease (4.0)

Disclaimer: The copyrights of all the images used here belong to the book publishers, authors, and illustrators. The opinions expressed here are our personal views. Please contact us if you are the author or illustrator of this book and want this review removed from our site.

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