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What Happened to You?

Feel the feelings.

Joe is different. He knows it but does not bother. And he loves to show off his pirate skills whenever he visits the nearby park. So tackling the sharks and crocodiles comes easily to him. But he struggles with one question no one seems to stop asking - where is your other leg? One day in the park, he encounters many children, all with the same question. As Joe lets them answer the question, they come up with their own ideas of how Joe lost a leg. So what happens to Joe, and what happened to his leg?

We picked this book based on a recommendation. When some children differ from others, they are frequently questioned. The distinction can be because of a disability or physical characteristic, where they live, or what they eat. In this story, Little Joe is in a similar situation. However, his reaction to the question makes it less painful for him. It even causes the other children to move on. Warm and stunning illustrations enhance this moving story. Remember to check out the pirate and sharks!

What Happened to You? is distinguished by James Catchpole’s delicate storytelling and Karen George’s stunning illustrations. This book should be read in every classroom to teach children the value of personal space and accepting people for who they are.

Originally published: 2021

Author: James Catchpole

Illustrator: Karen George

Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (5.0), Characters (5.0) Writing Style (5.0), Illustrations (5.0) & Ease (5.0)

Disclaimer: The copyrights of all the images used here belong to the book publishers, authors, and illustrators. The opinions expressed here are our personal views. We are not obliged to provide any explanation for our review or rating. Please contact us if you are the book owner and want this review removed from our site.

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