Together, we make it happen.

Daily, we rely on the bus to get us to school safely. Therefore, it’s important to behave well on the bus, allowing the driver to concentrate on the road. The staff in the cafeteria work tirelessly to provide us with nutritious meals, so it’s always worth expressing gratitude. The cleaners put in great effort to maintain the cleanliness of the school and classrooms. It’s essential to acknowledge and appreciate the many individuals who contribute to the smooth running of a school.

We picked this book for its title. It’s common knowledge that we’re acquainted with the teachers at school since we come across and engage with them daily. However, many individuals at school are essential to its operation. This book delves into those who primarily operate behind the scenes but contribute to the seamless functioning of the education system. The illustrations complement the narrative effectively.

Andrew C Kirkpatrick’s book, The Support Staff at Your School, beautifully illustrated by Blake Marsee, pays homage to the essential role support staff plays in the seamless operation of a school.

Originally published: 2021
Author: Andrew C Kirkpatrick
Illustrations: Blake Marsee
Rating basis (of 5.0): Story (4.0), Characters (3.5), Writing Style (3.0), Illustrations (4.0), Cover (4.0) & Ease (3.5)
Disclaimer: The copyrights of all the images used here belong to the book publishers, authors, and illustrators. The publisher/author requested this review. The opinions expressed here are our personal views. Please contact us if you are the author or illustrator of this book and want this review removed from our site.